The Challenge Sverige is an international installment in the Challenge franchise. The season features Swedish reality stars competing exclusively against each other for the first time ever. This is the first season to air exclusively on TV4. It filmed in May 2023.
Before every elimination, contestants will compete in two "immunity challenges." The winners of the first challenge will nominate the first team for the Arena. The last place teams will earn a disadvantage for the next challenge. The winners of the second challenge will also be safe. If they won the previous challenge, they must choose another team to save. The house will then vote a second team into the Arena. In the Arena, the two teams will compete where the winners stay and the losers go home. After the first five eliminations, the eliminations are played as individuals.
- Partner swap: Teams can swap through several means during the season.
- New Contestants (Episodes 1-6): New contestants enter competition and could select any current player of the opposite gender as their partner.
- Elimination Wins: Starting in Episode 8, elimination winners are given the choice to stay with their partner, or to select another player as their new teammate. In the event they decide to choose new partners, the former teammates of the selected players then form a new team.
- First Immunity Challenge Win: In episode 15, after selecting a team to compete in the Arena, the winners of the first immunity challenge could choose to forfeit their immunity for the chance to swap partners.
- This is the first season of The Challenge to not be produced by Bunim/Murray Productions or have any affiliation with MTV outside of licensing the brand.