A charming Southern belle who nonetheless found ways to offend her Real World: Hollywood roommates, Kimberly has spent her time since leaving her roommates chasing her dreams. She and a friend opened the Klutch boutique in Los Angeles, and Kimberly is still striving to become a host on E! She says her first meeting with the entertainment channel "went great" and she's got a second audition coming up soon. The thing is, none of that will matter in New Zealand, where she's bound to have her mettle tested by a host of challengers. Does she have what it takes to make it in The Duel II?
The Ruins[]
Retrieved from MTV.com
Making her debut on The Duel II, Kimberly proved herself a force to be reckoned with when she defeated Challenge legend, Ruthie. Although she failed to make it to the end, Kim did manage to walk away with a consolation prize -- Dunbar -- as the two began a brief romance. Now, Southern belle Kim heads to Thailand ready to compete to the best of her abilities and eliminate anyone that stands in her way. Does Kimberly have what it takes to survive The Ruins?