Champions shall be partnered up with the Underdogs.
Underdogs choose the teams.
1. Aneesa and Darrell
2. Kailah and Frank
3. Kayleigh and Bananas
4. Marie and Nehemiah
5. Melissa and Derrick
6. Nany and Jordan
7. Zahida and Zach
8. Tori and Wes
9. Cory and Amber
10. Fessy and Jenny
11. Josh and Veronica
12. Joss and Ashley M.
13: Kyle and Dee
14. Nam and Ashley K.
15. Nelson and Camila
16. Tony and Cara Maria
Episode 1:
Daily Challenge: Aerial Takedown
Winners: Jenny and Fessy
Losers: Anessa and Darrell
Voted In: Dee and Kyle
Elimination: Pole Wrestle
Winners: Aneesa and Darrell
16th Place: Dee and Kyle
Episode 2:
Daily Challenge: Wreck Yourself
Winners: Derrick and Melissa
Losers: Amber and Cory
Voted in: Zach and Zahida
Elimination: Drone Ball Drop
Winners: Zach and Zahida
15th Place: Amber and Cory
Episode 3:
Daily Challenge: Laps of Judgement
Winners: Cara Maria and Tony
Losers: Ashley M and Joss
Voted in: Bananas and Kayleigh
Elimination: Tunnel Vision
Winners: Ashley M and Joss
14th Place: Bananas and Kayleigh
Episode 4:
Daily Challenge: Pirate's Treasure
Winners: Tori and Wes
Losers: Jordan and Nany
Voted in: Ashley K and Nam
Elimination: Wrecking Wall
Winners: Ashley K and Nam
13th Place: Jordan and Nany
Episode 5:
Daily Challenge: Purge
1st Place: Cara Maria and Tony
Last Place: Aneesa and Darrell
12th Place: Aneesa and Darrell
Episode 6:
Daily Challenge: Auto Body Rally
Winners: Marie and Nehemiah
Losers: Josh and Veronica
Voted in: Derrick and Melissa
Elimination: Ring of Spies
Winners: Derrick and Melissa
11th Place: Josh and Veronica
Episode 7:
Daily Challenge: Trivia
Winners: Camila and Nelson
Losers: Frank and Kailah
Voted in: Ashley K and Nam
Elimination: Snapping Point
Winner: Ashley K and Nam
10th Place: Frank and Kailah
Episode 8:
Daily Challenge: Purge 2
1st Place: Fessy and Jenny
2nd Place: Wes and Tori
3rd Place: Zach and Zahida
4th Place: Cara Maria and Tony
5th Place: Marie and Nehemiah
6th Place: Camila and Nelson
7th Place: Derrick and Melissa
8th Place: Ashley K and Nam
9th Place: Ashley M and Joss (Medically DQ) Losers
Episode 9:
Daily Challenge: Road Kill
Winners: Marie and Nehemiah
Losers: Ashley K and Nam
Voted In: Derrick and Melissa
Extra Voted: Fessy and Jenny
Elimination: X-It Threeway
Winners: Ashley K, Derrick, Melissa, Nam
8th Place: Fessy and Jenny
Episode 10:
Daily Challenge: All Brawl
Winners: Tori and Wes
Losers: Marie and Nehemiah
Voted In: Cara Maria and Tony
Elimination: Hall Brawl
Winners: Marie and Nehemiah
7th Place: Cara Maria and Tony
Episode 11: Final Part 1
Checkpoint 1: Racing
1st Place: Camila and Nelson
2nd Place: Tori and Wes
3rd Place: Zach and Zahida
4th Place: Derrick and Melissa
5th Place: Ashley K and Nam
6th Place: Marie and Nehemiah
Checkpoint 2: Eating
1st Place: Camila and Nelson
2nd Place: Zach and Zahida
3rd Place: Derrick and Melissa
4th Place: Tori and Wes
5th Place: Ashley K and Nam
6th Place: Marie and Nehemiah
Checkpoint 3: Puzzles
1st Place: Zach and Zahida
2nd Place: Marie and Nehemiah
3rd Place: Ashley K and Nam
4th Place: Camila and Nelson
5th Place: Tori and Wes
Purged (6th Place): Derrick and Melissa
Episode 12: Final Part 2
Checkpoint 4: Mountain Climb
1st Place: Zach and Zahida
2nd Place: Tori and Wes
3rd Place: Camila and Nelson
4th Place: Marie and Nehemiah
5th Place: Ashley K and Nam
Checkpoint 5: Swimming
1st Place: Zach and Zahida
2nd Place: Tori and Wes
3rd Place: Marie and Nehemiah
4th Place: Ashley K and Nam
Purged (5th Place): Camila and Nelson
Checkpoint 6: Racing:
Winners (1st Place): Zach and Zahida
Runners Up (2nd Place): Marie and Nehemiah
3rd Place: Ashley K and Nam
4th Place: Tori and Wes